

ENCIERRA is obtained from grapes sourced from "Viña San Diego de Puquillay de Peralillo in the Colchagua Valley," which has a large territorial extension. Its vineyards cover an area of ​​160 hectares planted with Cabernet Sauvignon, Carmenere, Syrah, Petit Verdot, Mourvedre, and Cabernet Franc.



Ubicada entre los viñedos dentro de la propiedad familiar, fue diseñada al interior de una construcción existente de principio de siglo, respetando la arquitectura tradicional chilena e incorporando la mas alta tecnología en la elaboración de cubas de concreto y de acero inoxidable de pequeña capacidad.

Adyacente a la bodega se encuentra la capilla donde descansan las cenizas de Jorge Eyzaguirre, quien fuera el fundador de Viña Los Vascos.



Located among the vineyards within the family property, our winery was designed inside an existing building from the beginning of the century, respecting traditional Chilean architecture and incorporating the highest technology in the production of small-capacity concrete and stainless steel tanks.

Adjacent to the winery is the chapel where the ashes of Jorge Eyzaguirre rest, the founder of Viña Los Vascos.



Mediterranean climate with very distinct four seasons. During the summer months, there is a significant temperature difference between day and night, with average maximum temperatures of 28°C and minimums of 12°C. Rainfall is concentrated in the winter months (May-August), with total precipitation reaching 450mm.

The presence of breezes, due to the proximity of the coast, allows for a slow ripening process highly appreciated for obtaining quality grapes.



Variados, con diversidad de tonalidades en lomajes de la cordillera de la costa. Suelos arcillosos de origen lacustre depositados sobre materiales volcánicos antiguos, franco-arcillo-arenosos, de roca metamórfica de tipo pizarra en el piedmont.

Todos ellos muy evolucionados, responsables de la obtención de uvas tan particulares, de gran concentración y elegante frutosidad.



Varied, with a diversity of shades in the hillsides of the coastal range. Clay soils of lacustrine origin deposited on ancient volcanic materials, sandy-clay-loam soils, and metamorphic rock soils such as slate in the piedmont.

All of them highly evolved, responsible for obtaining such unique grapes, with great concentration and elegant fruitiness.